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Currency - All prices are in AUD
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Engraving Styles

Please provide the initials in the order that you would like engraved for the Style of engraving that you choose.  Below is a guideline to follow:

Style# 1 Roman & Style#2 Script show the persons First, Middle & Last name initials all same size.

Styles#3 Circle Monogram & Style#4 Interlocking Monogram,  show the  persons First, LAST LARGER,Middle Initials. (Last Name Initial Always Larger and Center Position for these two Classic Monograms).

Engraving Pricing is $7.50 per line of engraving.
To speak to our engraver please call us at 949.492.4192 Monday-Saturday 10:30am - 5:30pm or email us with any questions that you may have at